Islamic Terrorism in India

Most Muslims are not terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslims

Archive for the ‘Muslim countries’ Category

The near-total denial of religious freedom for non-Muslims in most Muslim countries

Posted by jagoindia on February 17, 2010

The article written by Sudheendra Kulkarni can accessed at Intolerance is a two-way street

Excerpts :

“Saudi Arabia prohibits the
construction of any non-Muslim place of worship on its soil. A
non-Muslim cannot even enter Mecca and Medina. Most Gulf countries
disallow building of churches and synagogues. Hindu temples, of course,
are a no-no. A friend who worked in Saudi Arabia once told me that he
was not allowed to carry even pictures of Hindu deities to be used for
worship at home.

“The immigration staff at the airport found the
pictures in my bag and simply threw them aside.” Non-Muslim employees
cannot celebrate their festivals in public. This, in spite of the fact
that millions of non-Muslim immigrants have been working in these
countries for many years, contributing immensely to their economic
prosperity and social wellbeing.

In the debate on the Swiss ban, here is a European blogger’s comment on
the Net: “Muslims are allowed to do dawa, build/repair mosques, and
openly practice their faith in the West. Yet, in the Islamic world,
these activities for Christians are severely restricted if not outright
prohibited. Muslims can convert us, but the other way around is viewed
as a provocation. Only one demographic group in Europe has created
literally hundreds of no-go areas. You don’t hear about Hindus,
Buddhists, or any other faith group creating these kinds of areas. I
want to see the gap bridged between the two civilisations, but it takes
two to dance.”

There are also other asymmetries. The US, Canada and almost all European
countries accept Muslim immigrants from around the world and even grant
them citizenship. This accounts for the rapid rise in the Muslim
population in the West. On the contrary, very few Muslim countries grant
citizenship to non-Muslim immigrants if they refuse to embrace Islam.
Indeed, even the population of native religious minorities in the
Islamic world is shrinking each year, largely due to official and
unofficial persecution.

In Sadanand Dhume’s extremely readable debut
book My Friend The Fanatic, which describes the steady Arabisation of
Indonesia, he says this about neighbouring Malaysia, another Muslim
majority country: “A Yemeni or a Pakistani might show up today and his
children would be considered sons of the soil and given preferences in
everything from college admissions to business contracts. The children
of a Buddhist or Christian Chinese or of a Hindu Tamil who had lived
there a hundred years remained foreign.”

Yes, the Swiss move on minarets is unjustified. Yet, many liberals who
oppose the ban are alarmed by the illiberal voices that have emanated
from the Muslim world. They especially refer to the words of Recep
Tayyip Erdogan, the Prime Minister of Turkey who heads an Islamist party
in a country that is still secular: “The minarets are our bayonets, the
domes our helmets, the mosques our barracks and the faithful our army.”

Clearly, Muslims around the world need to do some self-reflection on
inter-religious relations in our globalised world. If secularism,
pluralism and tolerance are necessary in Muslim-minority countries, they
are equally necessary in Muslim-majority countries. Double standards won’t

Posted in Islam, Islamofascism, Muslim countries, Muslims, Must read article, Non-Muslims, Terrorism | 2 Comments »

The dilemma of the “good” Muslim – Deepak Chopra

Posted by jagoindia on April 15, 2009

If hundreds of millions of Muslims oppose Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, where are the street demonstrations, outraged lawmakers and judges? When the funds of the ruling class in every Arab country are diverted, either openly or barely in secret, to support extremists, jihadis, and “freedom fighters” who are actually terrorists, the hope for making an alliance with “good” Muslims quickly turns sour. “

The dilemma of the “good” Muslim
Deepak Chopra

Monday, April 13, 2009

Even before his inauguration, President Obama signaled a change of attitude toward Islam. He renounced the term “war on terror” and has never even flirted with another right-wing favorite, “clash of civilizations.” Since taking office he has addressed the Islamic world with respect — a key concept in that culture — and recently declared in Israel that the United States is not at war with Islam and never will be.

This shift in attitude seems like exactly the right one. But it has infuriated some people, not all of them on the right. The attacks on 9/11 were used by the Bush administration to deliberately inflame opinion against the Muslim world. All of us have been overwhelmed with negative images that reinforce prejudice and hatred. How does one ease images of riots in the Arab street, American flags set on fire, women being stoned for adultery, suicide bombings, berserk clerics, and the whole incendiary image of “them,” an alien enemy that stands for everything barbaric and backward?

The key to change lies in ourselves, naturally, since we know rationally that the extremists and jihadis form a tiny minority among the billion Muslims across the globe. But to reach a state of accord, we also need an image of good Muslims to offset the bad.

Who is the good Muslim?

At this moment, the image is clouded. One can’t help but think back to Germany and the rise of Hitler. Hitler made quite clear his intentions, used violence from the first moment, and called upon the general anti-Semitism prevalent at every reach of European society. There was no room for “good” Germans to claim they were quiescent, unknowing, or not in agreement. By the same logic, “good” Southerners didn’t know that blacks were being mistreated.

Likewise, good Muslims have no defense for tolerating anti-Semitism and the oppression of women. One of the most powerful points Obama made on his recent European tour was that ordinary French and Germans entertain a casual anti-Americanism that is nonetheless insidious. I imagine that’s how many Arabs feel about Israel. They wouldn’t lift a hand to attack Israel, and they realize full well that Israel has a right to exist. Yet by casually allowing their neighbors, relatives, students, and countrymen to foment virulent anti-Israeli sentiments, the damage is done. It is all the more insidious for being casual.

So for us to believe in good Muslims, we need more. We — and here I mean the entire world — need the vast majority of Muslims to wake up and then to stand up. Fear is the greatest ally of terrorism, but denial comes in a close second. The rise of al-Jazeera and al-Arabia brought uncensored news and opinion to the Arab world for the first time. Free speech without fear of reprisal was a huge step forward. Yet all too easily “free” went the way of “good,” as these media outlets fell into lockstep by portraying Israeli violence out of balance with the threat of terrorism, by casually exploiting the U.S. as invaders and crusaders, and by not speaking out sufficiently against ruthless oligarchs and military regimes.

I do not monitor these outlets every day. Like everyone else, I depend on professional analysis of the situation, and therefore specifics get turned into generalities. But it seems to be agreed that the Muslim press and news media are slanted to tell their viewers and readers what they want to hear (the same thing happens in the West, too). The point is that little public incentive is offered for good Muslims to find their power of protest. If hundreds of millions of Muslims oppose Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, where are the street demonstrations, outraged lawmakers and judges? When the funds of the ruling class in every Arab country are diverted, either openly or barely in secret, to support extremists, jihadis, and “freedom fighters” who are actually terrorists, the hope for making an alliance with “good” Muslims quickly turns sour.

These are painful truths, but they need to be told. Otherwise, the festering mistrust and hatred of Islam will never change. The left will look the other way while the right keeps throwing fuel on the fire. The plight of good Germans became tragic, and they emerged from the conflagration ashamed, guilty, and impotent. It would be doubly tragic to see that happen in the Islamic world.

Deepak Chopra is the author of over 50 books on health, success, relationships and spirituality, including his most recent novel, “Jesus: A Story of Enlightenment,” available now at

Posted in Islamofascism, Israel, Muslim countries, Muslims, Terrorism, United States of America | 1 Comment »

There is no Moderate Muslim Country or Successful Islamic Democracy

Posted by jagoindia on February 26, 2009

“There is no Moderate Muslim Country or Successful Islamic Democracy because Islam and Freedom cannot coexist in the same way Muslims cannot exist with Non Muslims peacefully”

Here are 17 examples showing Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen GCC Countries: UAE , Kuwait , Oman , Bahrain , Qatar are members of GCC ( Gulf Cooperation Council), Uzbekistan, Judea / Samaria / Gaza
Click link

Posted in Islam, Islamofascism, Moderate Muslims/Islam, Muslim countries, Muslims, Must read article, Terrorism | 3 Comments »

Muslim countries flocking to Modi’s Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors Summit – 2009

Posted by jagoindia on January 12, 2009
Video on vibrant Gujarat Summit

First, some facts on Vibrant Gujarat from TOI article

Gujarat has clearly marketed itself well as a destination where there is money to be made. Representatives of 30 countries and 60 transnationals are coming to the two-day event starting on Monday. There are heads of state, diplomats, political delegations, company CEOs, bankers and financial institutions flocking to Science City in Ahmedabad where the event will be held.

At the end of Vibrant Gujarat 2009, MoUs worth Rs 7 lakh crore ($140 billion) are expected to be signed. In this depressed environment, this is simply staggering.

On all growth parameters, Gujarat is ahead of other states, laying stake to its claim as ‘The Growth Engine of India’ — the catchline of Vibrant Gujarat. Link
Pied Piper to the Muslim world
11 Jan 2009, Harit Mehta, TNN

AHMEDABAD: Call it the seven-year itch. Those many years after the 2002 Gujarat riots, Chief Minister Narendra Modi is changing partners. And it is having effect, as the Muslim world too now sees this tainted state and its government in a new light.

The fourth Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors’ Summit 2009, which will unfold on Monday, is drawing a huge participation from Islamic countries, as well as those which are predominantly Muslim.

This, even as US and European Union continue to deny Modi a visa to visit their countries on the grounds of alleged state complicity in the riots which killed over 1,000 Muslims. Also, human rights groups still allege that the Modi government has continued to thwart the process of justice for the riots victims. And terror organisations place Gujarat high on the hit-list, the latest grim reminder of which came on July 26, 2008, when 19 serial blasts killed 58 people in Ahmedabad.

Among those who have confirmed their participation is AS Vashishi, representative of The Arab League, officially called the League of Arab States. This 22-nation outfit includes members like Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen.

United Arab Emirates (UAE) send a business delegation from the National Investment Office, representing Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al-Khaimah, Sharjah, and Umm al-Quwain.

There are also delegations from Malaysia, Maldives, Oman, Brunei, Iran and Indonesia in the list where participation has been confirmed.

Prof Dwijendra Tripati, former faculty at IIM-A in business history and former president of the Indian History Congress, said: “Gujarat had rigorous mercantile trade with countries around the Red Sea and Persian Gulf for many centuries. This trade continued even after the East India Company came on the scene. The fourth Vibrant Gujarat marks a distinct change in the outlook of the world towards Gujarat and so the Muslim countries too are coming looking for opportunities.” End

Posted in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Gujarat riots - 2002, Modi, Muslim countries, State | 1 Comment »

Gaza Invasion: Who are the friends of Israel?

Posted by jagoindia on January 6, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009
Israel not without friends
Barry Rubin

The growth of powerful radical Islamist forces has scared a lot of countries. One could (falsely) romanticise the PLO as a progressive national liberation movement. But Hamas, Hizbullah and their patron, Iran, even Muslim countries would agree, are a harder sell.

It’s easy to be misled by elements of Western media and academia that seem to prefer terrorists and radical Islamists to Israel. The diplomatic balance sheet from Israel’s standpoint is quite good, pretty remarkably good, better than it has been for a very long time.

Of course, I have to add quickly that there are real problems, disagreements, and specific frictions. I’ll come to that in a moment. But first the good news:

Countries with which Israel has great relations: Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, South Korea, the United States, and also those of the European Union and Nato. Moreover, there is a long list of former Soviet Bloc states which understand the difference between a democratic state defending itself and a bunch of ideologically driven, dictatorship-worshipping terrorists. They include the new EU chair, the Czech Republic, and a dozen others, of which Azerbaijan, Georgia, Lithuania and Poland can stand as examples. And last but not least most of sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Countries with which Israel has good relations: China, Russia, and Turkey. See details below.

Non-Muslim, countries with which Israel has bad relations: Colombia, North Korea, Norway, Spain, and Sweden. Perhaps you can come up with a few others. Nominations are open.

This description is accurate and should be acknowledged. Please do so.

Now, on to the small print. Friendly countries often have criticisms, for example, they may urge a ceasefire in the Gaza war or show some pressure regarding settlements. Such diplomatic initiatives may make headlines but really don’t amount to much in real terms. Israel’s vital interests are not threatened by such things.

Friends can disagree; a lot of these actions are publicity stunts or attempts to show the countries in question have ‘balanced’ policies. Regarding what is important —— things like normal relations, trade (including military-related equipment), basic support, sanctions against extremist enemies —— these relationships deliver.

Some of these positive relationships depend on which Government is in power —— obviously in France and Italy —— and that’s part of the point. These Governments were elected and thus reflect public opinion. Obviously, Israel was not an important issue in these choices but the results show large elements of policy-making elites are friendly and public opinion isn’t demanding leaders hostile to that country.

In France, the Government of Mr Francois Sarkozy replaced that of the notably less friendly Jacque Chirac. The relationship with the new President has been a good one. While Mr Sarkozy’s soft policy toward Lebanon and Syria have disappointed me —— not to mention the Lebanese moderates who he has failed to back against the Tehran-Damascus axis —— they are not in sharp conflict with Israeli policies. His recent foray into pushing a poorly conceived ceasefire in Gaza indicate his impulsive interventionism (France must act as a great power), but unquestionably his is the most friendly to Israel Government in France over the last half-century.

With China, Israel has a good bilateral relationship though Chinese policies are often problematic. Beijing’s goals, however, in such activities as its arms’ sales (reportedly Chinese-made rockets sold to Iran and then given to Hamas have been fired at Israel) or its reluctance to support sanctions against Iran, include profit-making, a desperate need for oil, and fear that international pressure might be turned against China some day.

China, like many of the other countries mentioned above, has a much friendlier policy partly due to the breaking of the myth that it was impossible to have good relations with both Israel and the Arab world. In part, this was always untrue; in part, changes in the international system —— the Cold War’s end, the peace process, etc —— made it easier to do. Israel’s technological wealth, its impressive military performance, and its influence with the US, among other factors, also helped fuel such shifts.

In addition, the growth of powerful radical Islamist forces has scared a lot of countries. One could (falsely) romanticise the PLO as a progressive national liberation movement. Iran, Hamas, and Hizbullah are a harder sell.

Two other important Israeli relationships are more complex than the rest. Turkey has an Islamist-rooted Government which portrays itself as a Centre-Right party. Many of its instincts are anti-Israel but its performance is not. There are four reasons for this: A policy of friendship with Israel is used to prove the party isn’t Islamist; the party has taken in centrists and conservatives who are pro-Israel; good economic links are mutually beneficial; and, the military —— whose interests cannot be forgotten —— wants a strong alliance. Like other countries, Turkey also knows that cooperation with Israel is necessary for Turkey to play an important diplomatic role in the region. Turkey’s brokering of Israel-Syria negotiations proves it.

Finally, Russia. Again, like Turkey, there are key diplomatic and economic considerations. The Russians benefit from a balanced policy which allows them to maintain good relations with Israel, Syria, and Iran simultaneously. Of course, that is also a problem for Israel, since Moscow sells weapons to Syria, paid for by Iran, which are also passed to Hizbullah. Yet Russia also limits friction by limiting arms sales and supporting some degree of sanctions.

In all these cases, then, Israel’s relations are quite reasonably good. That’s a remarkable balance sheet whose positive elements should not be underestimated.

— The writer is director of the Gloria Center, Jerusalem, and editor of Middle East Review of International Affairs Journal. He is the author of The Israel-Arab Reader and The Truth About Syria.

Posted in Europe, Hamas, Islam, Islamofascism, Israel, Muslim countries, West | Leave a Comment »

Quranic verse ‘There shall be no compulsion in religion’ is simply not true

Posted by jagoindia on November 19, 2008

Read in full here

The Fate of Infidels and Apostates under Islam by Azam Kamguian
In a feeble attempt to disguise the Islamic attitude to apostasy, apologists often quote the Koranic verse: “There shall be no compulsion in religion”. For a Muslim wishing to leave Islam this is simply not true. In Yemen it’s punishable by death as it is in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan under the Taliban and other Islamic states. The most famous incidence of Apostasy was in 1989 when Ayatollah Khomeini announced a fatwa, or death sentence against Salman Rushdie for his alleged apostasy in writing “The Satanic Verses”. In a similar vein in Iran in July 1998 a man was executed for allegedly converting a Muslim woman to the Baha’i faith, this was even though the woman claimed that her mother was Baha’i and that she was raised according to that faith. Freedom House’s Centre for Religious Freedom recently protested the forthcoming trial, before a Sharia court of Islamic law, of Hamid Pourmand, the 47 year old lay leader of a small Assemblies of God church in the southern port city of Bandar-i-Bushehr. Pourmand, a convert from Islam, is facing charges of apostasy from Islam and proselytising Muslims, both capital offences in Iran. The government of Iran puts someone on trial for his life solely for his religious belief. The state’s criminalisation of apostasy is always subject to political manipulation and indicates an absolute negation of individual rights and freedom. Iran applies an extremist interpretation of Shiite Islamic law or Sharia, which harshly represses the free expression of belief, including religious conversion by Muslims. Iran’s Sharia courts view non-Muslims as second-class citizens, whose testimony is given less weight than Muslims, and sometimes even as non-persons, without any legal protections.

In countries ruled by Islamic law and where political Islam holds sway, writers, thinkers, philosophers, activists, and artists are frequently denied freedom of expression. Islamic regimes are notorious for the violent suppression of free thought. Often, as a government allies itself closely with Islam, any critics of the government will be accused of blasphemy or apostasy.

Non-believers – atheists under Islam do not have “the right to life “. They are to be killed. According to Islamic culture, sins are divided into great sins and little sins. Among the seventeen great sins, unbelief is the greatest, more heinous than murder, theft, adultery and so on. Courageous apostates aim to skewer the hypocrisies and inconsistencies of a faith that commands the allegiance of a billion people-as well as the hypocrisies of those Western defenders of Islam who would not tolerate its strictures in their own cultures.

Read in full here

Posted in Ayatollah Khomeini, Iran, Islam, Islamofascism, Muslim countries, Must read article, Non-Muslims, Terrorism | Leave a Comment »

Is Islamic goodwill for Hindus possible? — must read

Posted by jagoindia on October 15, 2008

Is Islamic goodwill for Hindus possible?
David Frawley
The Organiser
Date : October 14, 1996

Hindus today are often asked to express goodwill for Islam and help minority Muslims in India, who often fell oppressed under the Hindu majority rule. However Hindus are also minorities in various Islamic countries. There-fore the complementary question must arise, is there any Islamic goodwill for Hindus, particularly in Islamic countries? To look at Hindu-Muslim relations only within the borders of India where Hindus are a majority can be misleading. The entire context of these relations throughout the world and historically must be examined.

Hindus traditionally are tolerant people and have provid-ed a refuge for many religious refugees, like the Parsis, the Syrian Christians and the Jews. India is the only country that never oppressed the Jews. Even today there are a number of Islamicsects like the Ahmadiyas, the Bohras and the Sufis, and other religious movements originating from Islamic countries like the Bahais, which may not be tolerated in Islamic countries including Pakistan, and exist and flourish in India. In fact there is a greater diversity of Islamic sects in India than in any Islamic country today because of the religious tolerance traditional to Hindu-majority India. When Muslims lived under Hindu rule in pre-Independence India they were not obstructed from practicing their religion, sub-ject to forced conversion, religious taxes, or prevented from building mosques. The same is true of Muslims in India today. They are allowed to practice their religion without interference from Hindus.

Muslims, on the other hand, do not have such a history of tolerance starting with the first chaliphs of Islam who set out organised armies to conquer the world and marched to the very borders of India. During the period of Islamic rule in India most Hindu temples in the country were destroyed, including many that were rebuilt during that period. Hindus had to witness the ongoing destruction of their most holy places because of Muslim intolerance of other religions. The number of temples destroyed runs in thousands and it is difficult to find even a handful of temples in India that were not either destroyed ro defaced by the Muslims. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Hindus were killed in wars and genocide or turned into slaves. this included many religious leaders like various Sikh and Hindu Gurus whom the Muslims executed. Hindus exdured forced conversion and a heavy religious tax to convert them.

Yet this oppression for Hindus has not ended. Even after the Partition of India in favour of the Muslims, the Hindus left over in Pakistan and Bangladesh have suffered terribly. They have no real political or economical influence and the law seldom protects them. This problem of Islamic intolerance of Hindus goes for beyond the borders of the Indian subcontinent. Strictly Islamic countries, like Saudi Arabia, do not allow any other religions to exist within their border. No Hindu temple can be built in such Islamic countries by the Hindus who work there. You will not find any Hindu temples in Mecca or other Islamic holy cities. Hindus who have gone to work in the Gulf countries are not allowed to practice their religion in public, or bring any of their Hindu holy books with them. Even in India today Muslims do not tolerate and often attack the Hindu religious processions that may go through or near their neighbourhood. This is a holdover right from the Islamic period in India when Hindus were prevented from publicly expressing their religion in Muslim predominant communities.

Saudi Arabia insists that India sends only a Muslim ambassador and the Government of India meekly complies, not even raising protest! How would Islamic countries, in which Hindus are a minority, respond if the Government of India insisted that they sent only Hindu ambassadors? Certainly it would not be tolerated. Most instance of Muslim goodwill to Hindus occur in countries like Indonesia which were only recently and partially Islamized. It is not owing to Islam, which is intolerant in its heartland, but owing to the prior Hindu culture of the people. The more Islamic these countries become this tolerance is likely to decrease.

Today with growing global communication and the awakening of oppressed groups throughout the world, Hindu criticism of Islam is increasing. Hindu intellectuals are question-ing Islam not only historically but also spiritually, particularly its actions in India relative to Indian religions of Hinduism and Buddhism. The Hindu influenced political parties routinely complain against appeasement of the Muslim minority in India.

That Hindus may criticize other religions may be surprising to those who know the history of tolerance in Hinduism. It may cause them to think that Hindus are becoming intolerant. However, the other side of the issue must also be examined. That Hindus are becoming critical of Islam may not be so surprising to those who know of the ongoing oppression of Hindus by Muslims.

Hindus today are awakening to an understanding of the thousand years of oppression they underwent during nearly a thousand years of foreign rule by the Muslims and the Europeans. Their religion and culture was constantly under siege throughout the period. When Hindus today criticize the British rule of India and its efforts to Christinize India, it is generally regarded as understandable. However when Hindus criticize the Islamic period which was similarly a foreign rule and far more brutal than the British period, with a more determined attempt at conversion, it may be labelled as Hindu intolerance of Islam (suggesting that there is Islamic tolerance of Hinduism, which has yet to be demonstrated). But if British rule and Chritian intolerance of Hindus can be questioned, so can, similar action done by Muslims.

Just as blacks and women are, making an issue of their historical oppression, seeking an acknowledg-ment of it, and trying to correct it, so are Hindus. This is perfectly reasonable and modern, not fundamentalist and backward for them to do so. There is probably no other religious or political group in the world that has been slower to protest its historical mistreatment than have the Hindus. Hindus are the least organised socially and politically of all religious groups. The fact is that Musli8ms have routinely treated Hindus badly and this trend has continued. Not merely as Hindus but as human beings, Hindus have a right to draw the line.

Long oppressed groups, like the Blacks in America, may react with anger or even violence when they awaken to the fact of their oppression and seek some rectification of historical wrongs. Hindus today similarly are becoming more aggressive. Should this become exvessive it would be regrettable, but it is not without justification and does not mean their basic reaction is wrong. Hindus now are no longer willing to meekly accept domination and abuse by
Muslims in the name of communal harmoney. This is just another human community no longer of its human rights. It is about time that Hindus have taken this stance and it can only help other oppressed groups gain their legitimate rights as well.

The question is how will Muslims react to this trend? Will they recognize the legitimate anger of the Hindus against them, take some resposibility for the problem,
and seek to correct it? Or will they rect with hostility and refuse to acknowledge the history of violence that Muslims have without doubt peroetrated against Hindus? Will they take the opportunity to create oeace or will they inflame Hindus further by ignoring the mistakes done in the name of their religion? Muslis throughout the world are quick to condemn any oppression of Muslims which occurs in any part of the world. Should they be surprised or feel that it is wrong if Hindus begin to adopt such attitudes and start challenging the oppression of Hindus by Muslims?

In Hindu-Muslim dialogue since the time of Gandhi has generally been a matter of Hindus trying to please or accommodate Muslims. This led to the Partition of India in favour of the Muslims and the allowance of Muslim personal law for Muslims in India (but not, we might add, Hindu personal law for Hindus in Pakistan). The question is seldom asked what are Muslims willing to concede to Hindus in order to create peace with them? Perhaps because Muslims are a minority in India it is not considered what they should give but only what they should receive. However there must be reciprocity for there to be trust. And the Hindu-Muslim issue is not limited to India but to all lands where these two faiths meet. If Muslims throughout the world are intolerance of Hinduism, how can Indian Muslims expect Hindus in India not to be suspricious of them?

Muslims sometimes complain that they are discriminated against in India, and that they are not represented in the government. They must also consider the plight of Hindus in Muslim countries. How many Hindu political leaders have there been in Pakistan and Bangladesh? I
believe the answer is zero, even though, at least in Bangladesh the percentage of minority Hindus is on par with that of Muslims in India. There have, however, been Muslim President, Members of Parliament, chief ministers of State and cabinet minister of India has increased since Partition while the Hindu population of Pakistan and Bangladesh has dramatically decreased.

Clearly Muslims in India are treated much better than Hindus in Pakistan, Bangladesh and the Gulf countries. There are no Hindu prayers or songs allowed on Pakistani prayers and songs which can be found on Indian television. Pakistan history books still vaunt Islamic leaders like Mahmud of Ghazni and Aurangzeb, who destroyed temples and killed Hindus on a grand scale, as great and pious Muslims and great Pakistanis.

The treatment of Muslims in India cannot be devorced from the treatment of Hindus in Islamic countries. if Muslims in India want to be treated better, they must make efforts to get Hindus treated better in Islamic countries, who are much more likely to listen to their protests than those of Hindus. Muslims cannot rightfully expect better treatment from Hindus if they do not consider the plight of Hindus as will. There must be a concern for discrimination against all human beings, regardless of their religion, not looking out for Muslims and ignoring the plight of non-Muslims.

The further question arises, if Muslims want the goodwill of Hindus what are they willing to offer in order to receive it? Do Muslims think that they should have the goodwill of Hindus without offering anythink to the Hindus in return? Can they really think that their his-tory merits the trust and affection of Hindus? While Muslims may feel offended by Hindus, they should remember that in their history they have done little to consider the feelings of Hindus or help them out. It is they who have historically been aggressively attacking Hindus, not Hindus who have sent armies into their countries in order to convert them.

Hindus do have an historical right to critize Islam, which continues to target them and malign their religion.

Muslims routinely condemn Hindus as idol-worshippers, which is hardly an accurate, much less a sensitive rendering of Hinduism, which is a vast religion containig all avenues of human spirituality from devotional worship of images to yogic meditation.

Muslims in India recently had a great opportunity to redress the wrongs of history by giving the disputed Beburi structure back to the Hindus. It would have created much goodwill between the communities and proved to Hindus that Muslims in India, unlike most Muslims throughout the world, were not anti-Hindu. After all, Muslims had not worshipped in the Baburi monument for over fifty years and it never was one of their main holy sites. What did they have to lose by giving it back? It was built on the main hill in the Hindu sacred city of Ayodhya to humiliate the Hindus, not to peacefully worship God. However out of their pride and intolerance the Muslims have not taken advantage of this opportunity. They are unwilling to recognize the validity of Hindu complaints against them, which makes their own complaints against the Hindus lack any credibility.

Many Muslims and other have argued that Hindu temples were not destroyed out of religious reasons but from political motivation. Therefore the blame for this destruction is not with the Islamic religion, which is one of peace, but with political leaders who are prone to violence in order to hold power whatever their religious background. If this is the case Muslims should be happy to return such Hindu sacred sites as Kashi and Mathura. Mosques on these two sites of well known Hindu temples were built only three centuries ago by the tyrant Aurang-zeb, who killed his own brother, imprisoned his own father, and murdered Sufis as well as Hindu and Sikh leaders. If Islam as a religion is not responsible for the destruction of these Hindu temples but the arrogance of such as Aurangzeb, Muslims should not cling to such monuments as sacred. Otherwise Muslims are in fact saying that the destruction of temples and their replacement with mosques has a religions sanction, which is to equate their religion with such tyrants.

Yet this condition is hardly hopless. there is much that Muslims can do to gain the trust of Hindus, who are a peaceful and tolerant people. But this issue is mainly in the hands of the Muslims. Hindus cannot make peace with Muslims who are unwilling to give up their oppression of Hindus or their targeting for conversion. Muslims should be willing to consider doing the following if they are sincere about peace with the Hindus.

(1) Muslim leaders should make an official apology for the massive destruction of temples and killing of Hindus that was common under their rule in India and by their invading armies. One can use the example of the Christians apologizing to the American Indians or the Blacks for similar discrimination and oppression.

(2) Muslims should give back to the Hindus Ayodhya, Kashi and Mathura mosques that were built by Babur and Aurangazeb on Ramjanmabhoomi, the Kashi Vishwanath Shiva temple and Krishnajanmabhoomi, just as they did not try to hold on the Somnath after Partition of India. This could be a peace offering for all the Hindu temples destroyed by Muslims through history.

(3) Muslims should invite Hindu swamis and religious leaders to speak at their mosques to explain to the Muslims masses what Hinduism really teaches. In the same way Hindus should invite Islamic leaders to speak at their temples. Muslim countries should allow Hindus to preach and build temples, particularly for Hindu workers in those countries. They should also invite Hindus to talk and preach their religion in orther to dispel Isla-mic misunderstandings about Hinduism.

(4) Muslims should be willing to accept Hindu names for God like ishvara as good as Allah. Hindus should also accpet Allah as a name of God as many of them already do.

(5) Muslims should be willing to accept the great teachers of India-based religions as divinely inspired, including those of recent centuries like Sikh Gurus or Ramakrishna, just as Hindus honour many Sufis and Islamic saints.

(6) Indian Muslims should complain to Muslim countries that discriminate against Hindus. They should criticize Pakistan and Bangladesh for the destruction of Hindu temples that has gone on there in recent times.

Of course it is doubtful whether this will occur any-time soon, even on one of these points. If this is the case, Muslims should ask themselves, if they are unwilling to make such gestures of goodwill to the Hindus why should they expect Hindus to respect and honour them in return?

You cannot repeatedly trample on a person and his culture and then expect him to help you when you are in need.

Muslims, who claim to follow the will of God, think clearly on the history of Islam, and how members of your religion have mistreated Hindus and denigrated their religion. Think of how your religious leaders portray the Hindu religion even today. Would you be quick to embrace a group who treated you in the same way?

Posted in Hindus, India, Indian Muslims, Islam, Islamofascism, Muslim countries, Muslims, Must read article, Pakistan | Leave a Comment »

Michigan State Professor’s email: Muslims are free to leave United States — must read

Posted by jagoindia on September 18, 2008

April 07, 2008
Hooray for A Michigan State Professor
Joseph Crowley

The story begins at Michigan State University with a mechanical engineering professor named Indrek Wichman. Wichman sent an e-mail to the Muslim Student Association. The e-mail was in response to the students’ protest of the Danish cartoons that portrayed the Prophet Muhammad as a terrorist. The group had complained the cartoons were ‘hate speech.’ Enter Professor Wichman. In his e-mail, he said the following:

Dear Moslem Association,

As a professor of Mechanical Engineering here at MSU I intend to protest your protest. I am offended not by cartoons, but by more mundane things like beheadings of civilians, cowardly attacks on public buildings, suicide murders, murders of Catholic priests (the latest in Turkey ), burnings of Christian churches, the continued persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt, the imposition of Sharia law on non-Muslims, the rapes of Scandinavian girls and women (called ‘whores’ in your culture), the murder of film directors in Holland and the rioting and looting in Paris France.   This is what offends me, a soft-spoken person and academic, and many, many of my colleagues. I counsel you dissatisfied, aggressive, brutal and uncivilized slave-trading Moslems to be very aware of this as you proceed with your infantile ‘protests.’ If you do not like the values of the West – see the 1st Amendment – you are free to leave. I hope for God’s sake that most of you choose that option. Please return to your ancestral homelands and build them up yourselves instead of troubling Americans.

I. S. Wichman
Professor of Mechanical Engineering

As you can imagine, the Muslim group at the university didn’t like this too well. They’re demanding that Wichman be reprimanded and the university impose mandatory diversity training for faculty and mandate a seminar on hate and discrimination for all freshmen. Now the local chapter of CAIR has jumped into the fray. CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, apparently doesn’t believe that the good professor had the right to express his opinion.   For its part, the university is standing its ground in support of Professor Wichman, saying the e-mail was private and they don’t intend to publicly condemn his remarks. End

Note: He sent the email on February 2006. He did apologize on May 2006: Link. Most possibly because the university may not have wished to lose Muslim students and their funds.

Posted in Islam, Islamofascism, Muslim countries, Muslims, Must read article, Terrorism | Leave a Comment »

Attention, Muslims: How to solve your problems in 12 easy steps

Posted by jagoindia on August 16, 2008

Comment #27 from | 12/6/02 | Milodar


1. Stop blaming America. It’s your fault. Not ours.

2. Recognize Israel. Despite what your propaganda says, the Jews are nice and amiable people and will gratefully trade their knowledge and products with you. The territorry of Israel was a desert in 1948. Now it’s the most productive land in the Middle East. The territorry of the West Bank and Gaza was fertile land. Now it’s a shithole. It’s not the land. It’s how you use it.

3. Have your universities teach things more meaningful than Islamic studies. American power isn’t derived from Christian fundamentalism. It’s derived from the way our system rewards inventiveness, which is why we’re at the cutting edge.

4. Stop subjugating women. You’re depriving your countries of half the human resources.

5. Stop control of the press. The American government can improve because problems can be pointed out and acted upon. If you pretend you live in a utopia, you’ll end up living in a dystopia.

6. Stop sponsoring terrorism. Ann Coulter nonwithstanding, we don’t want to conquer you and convert you to Christianity. But if you decide to fight us, we’ll fight, and we’ll win.

7. Condemn terrorism vocally. This is to all Muslims, whether in the Muslim countries or in the West. Organize “Not In Our Name” protests. We want to believe Islam is a Religion of Peace. But as long as the facts speak otherwise, we have a problem.

8. When the money we give you doesn’t do shit improving the country, instead of asking for more, find out where it went. This will be helped if you do #5 first.

9. Demand accountability from your leaders. That’s how America works. That makes us strong. What you have to do:

Iraqis: Ask Saddam why is it that you are starving and are sent off to die in wars you have no say in starting while Saddam builds lavish palaces.

Iranians: Ask the mullahs why they aren’t listening to any of these protests.

Jordanians: Ask why the army supresses political opposition.

Syrians: Ask why your leaders control Lebanon and drag the economies of BOTH countries to hell.

Saudis: Ask why the royal family takes so much of your country’s income, but still needs Americans to protect their asses.

Kuwaitis: Ask why your government allows terrorists to kill Americans. You know, if Americans left, Iraqis will come back. You wouldn’t want that, would you?

Palestinians: Ask Arafat what is it, exactly, that the intifada gave you except death, starvation, and absolute economic ruin.

10. Implement some sort of democracy. It will help #4, #5, and #9.

11. Have someone translate Victor Davis Hanson’s Carnage and Culture. It’ll provide you with a good insight into not just your militaries, but most of your problems.

12. End cargo cultism. You all pretend you have modern nation-states. You don’t. You have tribal oligarchies. That’s the problem. You have “parliaments” and “presidents” and “elections” and airliners, and cars, and cities, but you don’t have the stuff behind it. Donald Rumsfeld said that the September 11th hijackers destroyed something they could never have build using technologies they could never have developed. Nothing truer has ever been spoken. We have a powerful military and a prosperous economy because of capitalism, freedom, and an education system based on reason. You have an Islamic version of socialism, subjugation of women and non-Muslims, and an education based on a 7th century text. Our government, is, on the whole, less corrupt than yours. We solve problems, instead of blaming others. Admit it: it’s not American imperialism. It’s the fact that you are ruled by corrupt tribal oligarchies, the fact that half your population is denied education, the fact that you are fixated on a text that has no relevance to the modern world, and the fact that your rulers stay in power by directing your discontent outward. Admit it. Deal with it.

Posted in Islam, Islamofascism, Muslim countries, Muslims, Terrorism, United States of America | Leave a Comment »

J&K: Financing the Islamic Terror

Posted by jagoindia on July 11, 2008

J&K: Financing the Terror

While there has been gradual decline in the violence level in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) since 2001, there is ample evidence that the terrorist infrastructure remains substantially intact, particularly the financial system that funds this jihad, with its huge framework of global linkages. Despite the increased global scrutiny on the flow of funds for Islamist militants across the world, sufficient finances continue to flow to maintain the infrastructure for the jihad in J&K. This includes funding for recruitment, arming the militants, funds for training and camps, paying for their survival on the ground, maintenance of their families (both in J&K and Pakistan), and all associated operational needs.

Security sources informed South Asia Intelligence Review that an estimated INR 250 to 300 million was being disbursed to terrorist and secessionist groups in J&K each month, from Pakistan. However, this does constitutes a 30 to 50 per cent decrease in what was being paid out earlier. This diminution has been gradual and is primarily linked to the ongoing peace process between India and Pakistan and the decimation of the militant leadership and cadres within J&K, as well as factors such as the US monitoring of militancy funding from Pakistan.

Disbursement made to militants in J&K (in Indian Rupees)

Type of Disbursement

Foreign Militants

Local Militants

Money disbursed at the time of recruitment

Up to 50,000

10,000 to 25,000

Monthly Remuneration


3,000 to 10,000

End of tenure payment


Reward for a spectacular terrorist act



Remuneration given to a militant group’s chief

Up to 50,000 per month

Up to 50,000 per month

Relief for family of deceased militant


Ex gratia 20,000 plus a monthly amount of 1,500-3,000

Each fidayeen (suicide cadre) selected for suicide attacks is assured by his handlers and the militant leadership that his entire family will be taken care of for years. Sources, however, disclose that relief money is paid to any deceased militant’s family for at least six months and there are accusations that some leaders of the secessionist group, the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC), swindle this money.

Except for a small percentage of funds raised through collections and donations made in the Kashmir Valley, virtually the entire funding for militancy comes from other countries, including Pakistan, and various international Islamic organisations. However, the major contributor remains Pakistan through its external intelligence agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).

The various methods employed for raising finances for terrorism in J&K include”

– Fake Currency printed in Pakistan
– Collection of donations in some Middle Eastern and European countries under the name of ‘Jihad Funds’.
– Extortion from traders, contractors and affluent people in J&K.
– Money sent from Pakistan to militant and secessionist groups operating in J&K mainly through Hawala (parallel remittance system) and drug dealers.
– Some Kashmiri businessmen dealing in the trade of carpets, handicrafts, etc in Dubai.
– Hawala dealers in Mumbai and Delhi.
– Zakat (an Islamic tax) and donations.

Militant groups operating in J&K have, however, lately been affected by a shortage of weaponry and funds following Islamabad’s decision to momentarily de-escalate the Kashmir jihad due to the pressure arising from the increasing militancy and internal conflicts within Pakistan, pressure from the United States, a constant scrutiny of the large militancy-linked monetary transactions from Pakistan and the successful operation of the Indian counter-insurgency grid. Terrorists operating in J&K have consequently been forced to make distress calls to their mentors in Pakistan. Security agencies have intercepted numerous conversations between militant cadres based in the State and their leaders and handlers in Pakistan and Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) over the past months, which also indicated that the groups were under enormous pressure due to the neutralization of top level terrorists by Security Forces (SFs) in the State. “Colleagues require stores and faloose (funds)”, was one of the distress messages sent by the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) cadres in the State to the outfit’s leaders in Pakistan some time in January 2008.

One of the major sources of funding for militancy in J&K is the fake Indian currency notes (FICN) being pumped into the State by the ISI and sections of the Pakistan Army. While the amount of FICN currently in circulation is not available, sources indicate that of these are being printed in the security press at Malir Cantonment in Karachi and three other printing presses in Pakistan. According to disclosures by some militants and their over ground workers arrested along with currency (reported in April 2008), besides Karachi, the fake currency is also being printed in Lahore, Quetta and Peshawar. The currency notes printed at the Malir Cantonment security printing press are high quality notes and closely resemble genuine Indian currency. According to sources, “Pakistan authorities have adopted a unique modus operandi to smuggle the currency to J&K. The notes are first planted in the ‘banks’ at Dubai, Kathmandu, Bangkok, Dhaka and Singapore from where they are physically smuggled by the smugglers working for Dawood (D) Company through Qatar Airways, Royal Nepal Airlines and Pakistan International Airlines. Unaccounted baggage and containers in planes and ships are also being used for smuggling.” Besides airports, coastal areas and border areas are also used for smuggling of FICN, sources added.

Since militants and their guides are being arrested interdicted by the SFs in “view of fencing and sophisticated gadgetry installed on the Line of Control (LoC) and International Border, Pakistan Army and ISI have started taking the services of D Company [the mafia group of Dawood Ibrahim] to push fake currency into J&K.” Dawood Ibrahim’s criminal network, which is currently headquartered somewhere in Pakistan, has close links with the LeT. Besides militants in J&K, a part of the FICN sourced from Pakistan is also “distributed among criminals and smugglers in different parts of the country mostly New Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Lucknow etc., as the ISI also used services of these criminals occasionally to transport weaponry and explosive devices.”

According to sources, till 2006, FICN worth INR 50 to 80 million was pumped into the country from Pakistan per annum. From 2007, however, the amount has increased to INR 120 to 130 million. A special cell is reported to have been set up by the ISI in Islamabad to regularly monitor the changes in Indian currency notes. This cell is assigned the task of studying the notes and changing the features accordingly, so that the fake currency is not detected. Further, sources indicated, the “militants revealed that Pakistan Army and ISI know that they can’t disturb the Indian economy by pumping INR 130 million worth of notes a year. Their objective was only to finance militants and keep the ‘Kashmir budget’ out of the purview of the Pakistan Army.”

Forensic examination of seized FICN indicates uniformity of replication of security features from which it can be inferred that the notes originate from the same source and there is a strong likelihood that this lies in Pakistan, according to a presentation made by a security agency in October 2007 at New Delhi. Apart from shipping in the FICN, the fake currency notes were also reportedly being smuggled from land routes through Nepal, Bangladesh and J&K, train routes through Atari and Munabao-Khakrapar and also by air.

According to the annual report (2005-06) of the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI),

…the smuggling of fake Indian Currency notes has acquired a greater geographical spread. While, in the past, such smuggling was largely confined to the Indo-Pakistan and Indo-Nepal borders, the India-Bangladesh border is now becoming increasingly vulnerable. Intelligence inputs indicate that counterfeit Indian Currency printed in Pakistan is moved to Bangladesh either directly or through Dubai and then brought across the porous Indo-Bangladesh border. Intelligence also indicates the smuggling of FICN to destinations in South India such as Bangalore, Hyderabad and Kerala.

Transactions in counterfeit currency are fairly profitable. The DRI notes, “The rate (per Rs. 100) on the India-Pakistan border is around Rs. 35, which goes up to around Rs. 40 in Delhi and Rs. 45-50 in the district and mofussil areas, where chances of detection are perhaps lower. These rates are however flexible and depend upon quality, availability and negotiating strengths at particular points of time.”

Intelligence reports indicate that the Samjhauta Express, a train service which facilitates people-to-people contact between India and Pakistan, is being used by the ISI to circulate FICN and arms in India. According to intelligence sources in Punjab, the Samjhauta Express, which currently runs between Attari in India and Wagah in Pakistan, has “always been used by the ISI for smuggling weapons, currency, narcotics and spies into India.” In recent times, a May 23, 2008, report indicated, there has been a big network of ISI-sponsored ‘sawari’ (courier) operators who lure poor people to smuggle their ‘stuff’ into India. These people are ‘soft targets’ for the ISI “which uses them for carrying out disruptive activities and providing logistic support to their existing terrorist modules in India, besides weakening the Indian economy by pushing in fake currency.” “This train is the easiest way to enter India with legal documents and disappear here,” said an intelligence source, adding that smuggling of FICN and Pakistani SIM cards by ‘swaris’ cannot be de-linked from terrorist activities in India. Following the terrorist attack on Parliament in December 2001, services of the Samjhauta Express were terminated in January 2002. However, the services were resumed again in January 2004.

Karvan-e-Aman, the Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus service, another channel which enhances the emotional enlistment between India and Pakistan, is also a conduit for the transfer of funds for militants in J&K. While the utility of this channel for funds transfer is relatively low, since Police scrutiny is

The author is a Research Fellow, Institute for Conflict Management, New Delhi, India.

Courtesy : South Asia Terrorism Portal

Posted in Financial terrorism, India, ISI, Islamofascism, Jihad, Kashmir, Muslim countries, Pakistan, State, Terrorism | Leave a Comment »