Islamic Terrorism in India

Most Muslims are not terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslims

Islamic terrorists Kidnap Hindu in Pakistan, Demand 1 Crore Ransom

Posted by jagoindia on February 24, 2010

Rs 10m ransom demand for Hindu man abducted in Pak
PTI, Feb 24, 2010

PESHAWAR: Days after beheading of two abducted Sikhs by Taliban in the restive tribal belt, a Pakistani Hindu man has been reportedly kidnapped from here and his abductors have demanded Rs 10 million for his release. 

Robin Singh, a computer engineer, was kidnapped by unknown persons from a market on University Road last Friday, a local politician said on Tuesday. He was kidnapped while going to Nowshera for some work. 

The kidnappers have demanded Rs 10 million from Singh’s relatives, said Sahib Singh, a member of the district assembly in Peshawar. 

Robin Singh’s brother Rajan Singh has registered a case at West Cantonment police station, Sahib Singh said. However, officials at the police station said they were not aware of the registration of a First Information Report in this regard. They said Robin Singh might not have been abducted from their jurisdiction. 

In a statement issued on Monday, President Asif Ali Zardari condemned the kidnapping of Robin Singh. The President directed authorities to take steps for the recovery of Singh. 

The incident comes to light days after the recovery of the beheaded bodies of two abducted Sikhs — Mahal Singh and Jaspal Singh — in Pakistan’s tribal belt. 

Another two to four Sikhs are still being held by the Taliban. The kidnapping and killing of the Sikhs has been condemned by leaders of Pakistan’s minority Sikh community. 

One Response to “Islamic terrorists Kidnap Hindu in Pakistan, Demand 1 Crore Ransom”

  1. Dr. O. P. Sudrania said

    This is the true face of of Islam – a “Peace loving Religion”, the select so called “moderate” muslims give the plea. Islam is, perhaps at its last leg, in my opinion.

    Dr. O. P. Sudrania

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